OPDET 24 - online competition
the low skills category of Fall Series

Brothers and sisters, how wonderful would it be if everyone could participate in the Fall Series?
Over the past few years, the Experience category, introducted back in 2018, has grown exponentially, reaching very high standards and levels.
This is where Ordinary People, Doing Extraordinary Things comes in. This is the new category of the Fall Series, an entirely online competition that will follow the same flow as all the other categories. Three Workouts for the qualification phase plus a final workout.
Our desire is to reach every box, to see entire classes doing the qualification workouts together. And to make all this possible, just like in the Open, there will be no obligation to submit a video for all participants.
The top-ranked in the category and the box with the highest number of participants will receive prizes, which they can also collect at the Live event in December. We look forward to seeing many of you! Long live the ordinary!